Monday, December 31, 2007

What a Success!

Despite having started after 2007 began, I managed to take a picture every day (except for just ONE day) to chronicle our Carlson family days. Whoever and wherever you are, I hope you enjoyed our pictures!
I think I'll continue this for 2008.
Happy New Year!


Sunday, December 30, 2007


helping grandpa bring the trashcan back up
making faces at matthew through the window

Saturday, December 29, 2007


after pushing the stool around and around, he stopped and got on top in the livingroom. then he wondered what he was supposed to do. hmm.grandma thought the boys would like to help 'do' the dishes:

matthew tired himself out so much today that he fell asleep before dinner reading his book


going onto the porch to blow 'babos'

oooh....daddy's breakfast. it's all mine!
i think i'll just take the whole bagel top...
l'il noisemaker

matthew laid down on the floor...and guess who had to do just the same.
knocking down all the blocks off the table:


his top right molar has emerged. not sure if it's what has made him cranky all day, but papa gave him a fruit pop to try to ease the pain until we went out and got some teething tablets and tylenol.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Monday, December 24, 2007


watching 'papa' change the lightbulbs up on the high ceilingheading out for a walk, because it's actually nice outside!

derek starts on his gingerbread house project (to be a scale model of our house)
reading books with papa
trying to fall asleep with papa -- "let's rock"
oops! getting startled awake by people playing games...oh well.


playing with cars, of course

taking a break to watch backyardigans. always relaxing.

matthew trying to read while dashiell watches his show
peeking over the book, because the show is more interesting...