Saturday, April 02, 2011


i was a bit skeptical this morning before we left for the pool (he was whiny and didn't want his swim clothes on)
but once brennan saw scott, he was all excited!
look at the smiles :o)
lots of giggles, too.

after lunch, i took matt out to the rock gym; to see if he liked the rock climbing there.
he did.
except for the last part, where i let the rope out a bit too quick and he didn't rappel off the wall...he fell. =(
but he still wants to go back. may try to schedule something so that a few friends can go with him for a birthday celebration.

dashiell went to school today (even though matt and i had a furlough day)
here's some of his latest and greatest from the classroom:
(this his is apple tree in the springtime)

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