Saturday, November 19, 2011


dashiell got his share day bag ready on his own yesterday...i fished it out of his bag this morning...good thing i did.
he picked a little car that was orange and had black wheels. the color of the day was BLACK.
i had to compliment him on writing it himself, but can you read it?!
i asked him...

#1. Black (bac)
#2. Metal (mdl)
#3. It has metal windows (ut hz mhendl wdz)

he didn't come up with a #4 or #5...
apparently he didn't want nana seeing it at all on sunday when he was doing it. he wanted to do it all by himself.
i convinced him to find something else eventually (a black lego tire) and he wrote out new clues before i had to leave for work.
i had a parent conference with miss brandy at brenny's school right after school.
while waiting for her, i saw this picture of brennan's up on the wall.

some of the few things she had to say about him....
  • he will share when you ask him to share,
  • but when he wants something, he will hit and then take it away
  • when something is wrong, he doesn't verbalize. even when asked, he doesn't like to say it out loud; instead, he will come up to miss brandy and tell her quietly himself.
  • he knows all his upper and lower case letters and knows his numbers through 20.
  • even just in 2 short months, he has gotten a lot better at tracing his letters. she will work with him on tracing/writing his name
  • he hates having to give miss brandy time (when they are misbehaving)
  • miss brandy loves to sing, and she has just about a song for everything. brenny loves to sing and dance with her.
  • she says he's clumsy at times; sometimes she'll see him running along, and then he just trips. not on anything at all. just trips. she says she asks him if the floor got him

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