Saturday, June 01, 2013


a package from gramma and grandpa!

 oooh...the most perfect t-shirt ever, for dashiell!

it was wittmann's open house tonight.

 dashiell wanted to show brennan around his school.
 'here's my classroom...'
 dashiell's sunflower seed is growing!
 his very hungry caterpillar is VERY fuzzy.
 his butterfly (he enjoyed using pastels)
 his flower
 another flower with some math on it
 pointing at his diorama
check out all the other really cool dioramas!
 his Rorschach butterfly
 his 'superbug'!
 apparently he has a 'cheap' name...(but not as cheap as some others!)
 his riddle
 and the answer..
 it's mrs okimoto~

 his 'tile' on the class quilt
 his cat, named 'moo moo' =p
 playing with the civil army men that gramma and grandpa sent them
(mixed in with their own existing green army men)

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

Dashiell has some neat projects. Is Brenny excited about heading to Kindergarten?