Sunday, October 06, 2013


brenny wanted to play the memory game...with all 72 cards!
once upon a time i was pretty good at these kinds of games.
now, not so much
here, he only had 6 pairs completed (i had 3 -- but didn't get my first one until he had already completed 4 pairs!)  we ended without finishing them all...but he had 12 matches, and i only had the 3.  
so sad! =P
 later that evening, brenny discovered he had a splinter in his finger.  it was really tough getting him to sit still for me to remove the sliver.  he initially kept telling me, 'no momma.  i'm NOT brave! i can't be brave.  it HURTS! ow, ow, ow, ow, OW!'
it was the longest 15 (or was it 20?) minutes ever.
derek had to help hold him down, but it just made it worse.  i had to ask him if he wanted to go to the doctor instead, which is definitely did NOT want to do...
after LOTS and LOTS of screaming, wailing, and tears...
somehow he reached a turning point, where he just calmed down and even watched me remove the sliver.  he WAS brave afterall.
he felt much better after putting some medicine on it and placing his dora bandaid over it.
(he initially just wanted a bandaid over it, without removing the splinter...thinking the bandaid was going to fix it for him).
his eyes were all puffy and red in this picture.  =(  he fell asleep in about 3 minutes after he laid down.  he wore himself out.  poor guy.

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