Friday, February 20, 2015


watching the sunrise!

 i played around with a new app that i got on my phone and blended our two pics together
the coloring was a little off, so i think it looks better in sepia or b&w

it really wasn't as lush and green as was a filter
but it was gorgeous out there!

 having fun with the panoramic
 there were 5 planes that kept going around above us
not sure where they were from or what they were doing
 about 1/2way through the trail

 dashiell had practice later on in the afternoon
 then later while at home we played outside
 dashiell wasn't looking
 brennan wasn't looking
 so i tried to piece them together...
what do you think!?
not too bad for the first one i tried (the running one above was done second)
and for doing it on the tiny phone

 i love this picture!

 then i made the kids honey walnut-less shrimp
brennan ate almost 20 pieces of shrimp.  oh my!
 and i made the big people pineapple and shrimp curry
[mom and i went to smart & final yesterday and found 2 packages of 2lbs shrimp each that were 50% off -- so i only paid $20 for 4 lbs of 31-40ct shrimp! what a deal!]
matt even stopped by to bring flowers for me and nana.  <3 p="">

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