Tuesday, April 12, 2011


i think dashiell has developed my allergies. =(
not sure what's triggering it, but we think maybe the kool-aid jammers is one of them?!
he's had these red rash-like things that show up on his feet every once in a while (for the last year?) but this is the first time that it's been this bad. he couldn't sleep, he kept itching so much. i put cortaid on it and then some socks on top and thankfully we had kids' bendadryl on hand and have been giving him that...it's helped stop his itches/hives...but then it returns another night...


Marjorie said...

Bummer. :-(

I get hives like that from Yellow #5, for what it's worth. Sometimes the hives show up immediately, but other times they don't show up until I take my clothes off at night, and then they're in the places where clothes were rubbing against me (waistband, elastic band of socks).

Cindy said...

hmm, really?! so not having it show up until waayyy later isn't unheard of?! because it's been happening for a while now (that i've seen splotches on his feet, mostly where his socks are) but never this bad. i wonder if it's getting worse for some reason.

Unknown said...

Oops, I only just thought to come back and see if you'd replied.

I dunno if it's common; it seems weird, but that's what happens with me. I just looked it up and all the websites on hives say not to wear tight-fitting clothes or take a hot shower after a hives outbreak because they can cause it to return.

Marjorie said...

Oops, that was me. Not "The." :-)