Monday, January 28, 2013


5am, and getting ready to run the carlsbad full marathon!

 lily and i before the big race
 lily and her new guy, jim
 me, 4:45:12 later...
resting and waiting for lily

found her~

all in all, i was pleased with this race.
the hilly section from mile 4-9 was not bad at all, compared to the santa monica hills we ran, and the hill on hillview way in montana.
despite the rain for the first 4 miles and me being sick, it all worked out.
we ran together for the first 8 miles, and then she fell back a little bit after she had to make a porta-potty stop.  it helps me to know she's behind me, ready to catch up at any second.
she caught up to me at mile 18, when i was feeling quite lethargic.  i couldn't keep up to her 'catch up to cindy' pace!
but a water station came up, and she slowed down and fell back a bit again (she can't quite get the hang of drinking without slowing down too much)
i decided to push harder and see if i could increase the distance between us again.  i had wanted to wait till at least mile 20 to pull out and put on my ipod, but i got it out before i hit mile 19.
it helped me A LOT.  the first song up was avril lavigne's girlfriend.  from prior experience, i knew that sone got me going.  great beat, perfect tempo for kicking it up.  i looped it on replay FOUR times.  i was flying (well, not really).  i searched for songs that had a good beat, and it kept me going for the remaining 8 miles, which seemed to fly by.
after mile 20, the half marathoners merged with the full marathoners.  by that time, they were mostly half marathon walkers; so it literally felt like i was flying past them.  i really wasn't, but it helped me mentally.  when my watch read 4hrs, i had about 4 more miles to go.  i knew that i could even slow down and walk and i would make it sub-5.  woo-hoo!  i was ecstatic.  i was feeling pretty good.
even though i still had a pretty runny/snotty nose (eww!) i had my arm warmers on and used it as a hankie.  i kept well-hydrated; only missing one water station (because there were too many walkers on the left side where the water was) and the very last one because they were out of water =/
i literally drank the last sip of my water just before finishing.
i was NOT dehydrated, the weather was pretty great (except for the light rain in the beginning) and although i was sick, i wasn't feeling it then.  yay for adrenaline.  and double-yay for training with lily.
i had not had a training partner who pushed me like she did.  those hills were evil, but a necessary evil to making this race a success.
what more could i ask for in a run?

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