Monday, August 26, 2013


after not being able to run all week, i headed out for a 15mi hilly run in santa monica with lily
 whew!  glad it's over.
 after seeing a post on facebook from an old friend about free tickets to see kristin chenoweth at the hollywood bowl, i met up with clay at his san marino home to pick up the tickets.
i haven't seen this guy since i was TWELVE when we left taiwan.  WOW.
after graduating from harvard, he is now an associate professor at USC in chemistry and pharmacy.  WOW again.
 mom and i made it to the hollywood bowl!
we are across the street by where we parked.
 picture taken from our seats.  nice seats, clay!
 fireworks to start off the show.  cool!
 there she is, all white and blurry!  =p
 good thing there are big screens to see her up close.
 towards the end now...

 BIG fireworks at the end of the show!
 the wine mom and i shared while noshing on a turkey croissant sandwich and cheese and crackers =)

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