Tuesday, August 26, 2014

August 22nd, 2014

we headed to the beach again (wow, twice in one week!)
christina joined us this time, so we got to chat while the kids played

brennan decided he was going to remove lots of seaweed from the ocean as it rolled in with the tide

 dashiell had to help because it was too heavy for brennan by himself
 this one now needed matthew and christina to help as well
it was HUGE!
the part christina was holding had big ol' roots that somehow must've been pulled up
the part by dashiell was all curly and twisted it was like spaghetti  =p
 we had our last show at segerstrom for this season, ONCE
it was good!
love the song 'falling slowly'
 came home to dashiell passed out on our bed, still holding his book.

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