Friday, January 18, 2013


 his martin luther king, jr. mask that he had to finish up at home
(cut out the hair and glue it on)
 "take another picture so that you can tell it's a mask, mama!"
brennan wanted to make a face just like dashiell's, so i had to look for a (cheap-o paper plate.  thank goodness i had one!)
brennan claims his is just the same. =)
and he had to glue a piece onto his as well, which was a scrap from dashiell's

after his bath, he wanted to have a picture taken with his sheepie

 mer asked me if i could make a bag with a longer this is what i came up with...
 derek was reading a book and fell asleep.
i took the book out of his hands and his hands were still in the same place ;-)
but then the flash stirred him.  oops!
 not quite satisfied with the previous bag, i stayed up to watch the series finale of fringe, and made this rounder bag with a short strap.  the strap would have been longer, but i didn't have enough t-yarn of that last color to make it longer.  hah!
this one's actually kind of cute.


Lorraine Carlson said...

Why is MLK sad?

Cindy said...

i don't think he's sad...i believe it's his mustache! =P