Saturday, January 19, 2013


went back to sushi world with mom =)
(had another groupon.  yay!)
 christina (not pictured; taking the pic!) accompanied me to my high school friend's book signing.
this is the only other cindy i ever knew while in school
haven't seen her since high school, as a matter of fact.  and she's a tall asian, just like me!
 doesn't she look awesome?
she was signing her newest book, diverse energies, which she has a short story's an anthology written about dystopian societies, but without the 'traditional' white characters.
her story is set in taipei
 talking about her book...
 listening to the other author, greg van eekhout
 reading an excerpt from her book
dashiell and brennan swore they could go to bed in their room together this time.
...and they did..

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

Hooray for the big boys making big boy decisions!