Monday, August 19, 2013


skagway, ak
we took a train ride, and there was an i-spy game to keep the kids busy on the way 'up'
here are some of the items the boys had to find

 this was where we stopped and 'turned around'
so peaceful looking
 steel cantilever bridge that was the tallest at the time it was built
 on the ride back, the kids were separated from the adults to take part in a kid-activity
meanwhile...the adults had champagne (or sparkling apple cider)

 all done with their activities!

 down in skaway, there was an interesting looking building
 there's our ship in the background!
 dinner at triton's...

 my lobster pasta dinner wasn't great =(
the only meal i had the entire time that i didn't love
 dessert, however, was a different story

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

Thanks for posting some of your great Alaska pictures.