Saturday, November 30, 2013


kicking off the thanksgiving week off with two days at legoland!!
 since we are staying at the hotel, we get to go in an hour early!
 we first rode coastersaurus about 5 times in a row (hardly anyone there!)
then kid power tower!
 the boys were trying to race matthew, but he was too strong for them!  he went up twice while dash and bren went up 1.5 times.

 bren decided he was old enough (and tall enough) to ride this one all on his own!!

it's christmas time here in funland!
too bad last year they decided to change snow days to AFTER thanksgiving, which means no playing in the snow for us. =(
maybe we'll come back??

dashiell and matt rode this one together
brenny and i decided to sit this one out
(he said it makes him 'worried')
 then each boy wanted to drive their own boat
watch out grandpa, here they come!

 oh no! the lion's got dashiell!!
brennan is trying to pull him out =p

 playing in the build and test room
 waiting for matt, then we're headed onto project x!  all of us!
 then of course, we HAD to go ride lost kingdom.
OMG!  brenny beat all of us this time!!
he was sooooo thrilled!!
 we ended the day playing in the duplo playtown
why?  because what's legoland without going and playing in the playground!  duh!
 let's go to out room!

 buffet dinner, where each boy ate a lot!
offering orange chicken with rice was definitely a plus =)
 now we're off to go check out the heated pool
 let's go down the disco elevator!

brenny got cold!
all cleaned up and warmed up
ready to play with the 3 in 1 legos 

 all tucked in and tuckered out

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