Tuesday, January 21, 2014

January 20th, 2014

so...derek went outside with the boys this afternoon to play and ride their bikes, and lo and behold, our swing is GONE!
don't really know what happened.  only that it was there yesterday, and now it's not there.
and that thing was BIG and HEAVY an NOT new!  we got it over 3 years ago, i think.
i'd really like to get another one to replace it, but now i'm worried that the people that took it are simply going to come right back and take the new one, because well, they took the other one, so why not just take the new one, too??  =(

 then the boys skyped with gramma for a bit, and were excited to show her how they could get up on the wall...

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

What a couple of monkeys!