Wednesday, March 23, 2011


went out for a 3.8mi run, to commemorate my 38th birthday. the boys *just* woke up when i got back.
i decided i wanted to go to mimi's for breakfast. and coincidentally, just before we headed out the door, i opened immer's bday card to me...which contained a gift card for mimi's! great minds think alike!!
(i'm glad i opened it before we left and not after we came home!)

matthew had a game later that afternoon...
brennan wasn't too happy about waking up from him nap to come to the park...
so daddy took him home.
matthew got on base, and was able to score! woo-hoo!
(i was working the scoreboard...hence the caged-in look for the pictures, and the different perspective.)
dashiell played at the playground with nana, and sat to watch the game for a bit, too!
headed up to bat again...

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