Saturday, September 22, 2012

September 22, 2012

since it was so hot today, i thought it'd be a good day to spend the morning at the discovery science center (the cube)
we hadn't gone since gramma and grandpa got us the annual family membership.

 (he didn't make it past this ;)

 the special exhibit was 'bob the builder' which took up a good chunk of the upstairs.
lots of fun!
although dashiell asked where the star wars stuff went.  =p

 making some slime!

 completing the recycling eco-challenge
quite a fun and neat activity!
brennan and i took a shopping cart, and he had to find certain items that were displayed on the screen, which differentiated all the recyclable materials vs. not.
then we checked out, and got our picture up on the wall!  =)

 ready to head out to eat at the place former;y known as pat & oscar's (but still serves the same food as pat & oscar's)


 super-hot day again (but luckily there were some clouds)
 getting ready to go back in as center for the 2nd half.

 getting some last minute pointers from the coach

 and in at center...#99

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