Tuesday, January 15, 2013


i call this the pumpkin bag.
a bit early for halloween/october, but i can hold onto it till then.  =p
got invited to be an ap reader this year!
only conflict is that i signed up for the sf 2nd half (which would have given me the 'half it all medal') -- i ran the 1st half last year, and was planning on running te full in 2014 (which was another special series...)
 scott was nominated for sadies court
you can tell he's pleased

 went with nana to pick up brenny
here's their new bulletin board, with pictures of all the kids reading =)
 he 'won' a dum-dum lollipop (which he didn't want anymore after like 3 sucks on it) for being the only kid in the class who knew what month we are in and how many months there are in a year.
way to go, brennan!
 brennan confiscated this bag from me because he said "i don't have any bags!" and put his panda-y bear and "stuff" in it.  =D
maui fought with his bag for about 5 minutes before i took her picture.
silly girl.

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