Monday, May 20, 2013


dashiell's assignment from school this week is to make a BUG DIORAMA
and it even says that it's for open house, and that the family should be involved in this project =/
so here are the boys painting little wooden balsa trees that we picked up

 here is the nana and mommy (and dashiell and brennan) diorama
it is as good as we can make it.
a little bit of (naked) reading before getting the jammies on! 
brennan has been reading the "m" book in the a to z mysteries with me.
it's a little hard, but he picks up new words quite easily.  he wanted to read one, like how dashiell reads that series, and when i told him to go get one, he specifically chose one that dashiell hasn't gotten to yet!
i love how well this little guy can read.

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