Monday, February 22, 2010

February 22, 2010

nana, brennan, and i headed out to get dashiell at about a quarter to 12 today...

brennan was so excited to get there. he doesn't like taking the elevator up. he MUST take the stairs.
megan and dashiell were finishin up their lunch when we got there.

brennan went to play on the carpet while we waited for dashiell.
izzy (?) had to give brennan a BIG hug before we left.
megan had too, as well.
so of course, dashiell got jealous, and had to give megan a big hug back. this picture was just second before dashiell's really big hug knocked her straight to the floor!
brennan likes to be a monkey in the elevator coming down. (it's ok to ride the elevator DOWN, just not up.)
see the little pairs of feet hanging out? they don't like their feet to get all crowded in the wagon...
such a beautiful day today, i had to take a picture of the library, too!

i finally got to see dashiell doing his backfloats tonight. this one has the turnovers. i'll try and upload the one just with the backfloats tomorrow...(it takes too long!)

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