Saturday, August 13, 2011


the house was getting cleaned this morning, so we needed to get the kids all out of the house =p
i've wanted to go back to brookhurst park for a while now, so today seemed like a good day.
matthew's played football here a couple of times with cypress before, but the boys were much littler then.
so we tried it out to see how it would be like...
brookhurst park
  • location: 4 stars (fairly close, right off the freeway, so easy to get to)
  • fun-factor: 3 stars (might have been higher had there been other kids there to play with.
the big concrete structures make it a fun place to play hide and seek, but not much in terms of playground equipment. the rock climbing wall is ok and the 3 motorcycle rocking things were ok too)

since it was still early, we decided to head to another park. looking on google maps led us there, which was just down the street from the bp mall.
boisseranc park
  • location: 4 stars (had tennis courts, racquetball courts, and a pool there, too!)
  • fun-factor: 3 stars (standard playground. good thing there were two sets. nothing extremely different or extra-fun)
we headed to pat & oscars right after for lunch, since it was convenient.

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