Thursday, August 25, 2011


i got these little glow sticks at michael's the other day (a package of 15 for $1) and i took them out for him as it was getting dark. can't lose him too easily with him glowing! =P
he had fun...
darn. and i thought i took the video (with my phone) with the correct orientation. guess not. boo.
he kept wanting me to take a picture of him while he made these weird eye movements. so i took video instead.
oh wait! i think it oriented itself correctly. yay!
(you can see matthew's team in the background, running during the last 20 minutes of practice. i think it's usually 15 min, but they're lucky today for some reason! ooops.)

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

What a character! What fun eye movements.