Wednesday, June 05, 2013


took the boys to pretend city to get them out of derek's hair for a short while...

 new beach fitness equipment!  =P

then i had lunch at fronk's with my old SJHS pals
the food was really good!  i had a mushroom and swiss burger...sam had the 'mother clucker' chicken sandwich =P  they also had beer-battered corn on the cob, which i didn't get to try, but it looked really good.  so many fried bad...but yummy!  may have to remember as a post-race treat!  which this actually kind of was for me.

clockwise from left:  samanha reams lurie, wanda mullikin, me, margaret gos, mary fitterer, pat ponczocha
(jean parkins had to leave early)
 and took matthew to get his ankle x-rayed
(no fractures, yay!)
 and the kitty found my running clothes drawer  =/

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