Thursday, June 06, 2013


dashiell took a 'young rembrandts' class at the library today =)
 this was actually the second one he drew.
the first one was 'terrible' because he messed up and had to throw it in the trash. =(

but this one was pretty good!  he finished it at home.  =D
 matthew will be getting an award from ross next week!  yay matthew~!
but i'm SOOOOOO sad because i won't be there.  waaahhhh!
i'm going to be in KC for the ap reading.
maybe i shouldn't go anymore?!  =( missing so many things by being gone...
like mom's 70th birthday, father's day, and now this!!!

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

Sounds like you would prefer not to do the AP grading again. CONGRATS to Matt again. We are excited that we will be there for his graduation.