Sunday, January 05, 2014

January 5th, 2014

my first race for the year...and it was a full.
this is my first of the two races that will allow me to qualify to be a marathon maniac.
my student, andrew kim, also ran this one

i finished 17/45 (all F) and 5/18 for my division (F40-49) with an official time of 4:35:54.8, which is 10:32mi/min.
it was super windy this afternoon (or it might actually always be like that in camarillo, i'm not sure)
after the race, i looked up the weather forecast in camarillo, and it said 25-35mph winds!  OMG!!
about 75% of the race (i could be exaggerating, i don't know...) seemed to be either with the wind directly in my face or blowing at me from the side.  i relished the moment when the course would turn and the wind would actually be coming from behind me.  my hat actually blew off my head (surprisingly) only 4 times.  but i had my head down a good chunk of the time and i kept grabbing onto the bill of my cap or putting my hand on my head to make sure it stayed on my head.
i have never run a race in such windy conditions.  it was tough.  but at least it didn't make it feel as hot as i could have been.  O.o

l'il guys holding up my medal!
 brennan was so excited about getting to the end of stink #5, that he decided to read ALL of the remaining chapters that he had...FIVE of them!  =D

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

Congrats on the run. And how exciting that Brennan is getting so much joy out of reading!