Monday, June 09, 2014

June 7th, 2014

fontana days 1/2 marathon today
after last year's HOT weather causing me to finish 2:02:02, i had planned to make this my PR for 2014.  i actually PR'ed last January, at the Honker's Motivational 1/2 Marathon, but i figured if the weather worked out, i could run even faster.  [but the weather was very cool, if not a bit cold, when i ran honker's]
i wasn't 100% sure i could make this my pr, due to my pinched nerve and how my back had been feeling lately....
nonetheless, i didn't totally dismiss it.  i'm glad i didn't!

the weather was already getting warmer as we waited for the start of the race, which was 7:30am (kind of late, IMO)

 but after pacing this gal in a skirt the color of my tank, and realizing that pascale was up ahead of me at around mile 6-7, i kept on going.  it was sometime around then that the weather turned overcast and cloudy.  this was my 3rd time running this race, and it was always super-hot by this point...but not this time!  i decided that a sub-2 was actually possible.
pascale and john (her new bf) kept the pace up (actually it was john who pushed pascale -- she had not yet run sub 2:09, i think).  i kept trying to stay ahead of them...
i was even the pacer for this other guy who i always had right on my heels since mile 1...
pascale finished less than a minute behind me, breaking her PR by almost 10 minutes, i think!  wow!!
 see the weather/sky behind me??  overcast.  awesome.
see my face?!  not totally red, hot, and sweaty! =p
 all of us, with PR's under our belt.

 brennan shows me the riding lawn mower he at home depot today
(umm, see the hair clip on his head???  he's been wanting me to put it keep the hair out of his eyes.)
 fixing the sunken in ground/dirt with some new dirt...
it was caused by the spike from the bouncer we rented for the boys' birthday.  oops.

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