Sunday, November 30, 2014

November 30th, 2014

went for a solo 10mi run by the beach again
it was gorgeous out there!  
(there was some rain on the way driving there, but the entire run was clear)
tested out my new newton pace shoes along with a new skirt (clearance!) that matches the shoes =p
 we went up to mitzi's new house today, and dashiell fell while rushing to catch up with everyone else
his mouth crashed into the bumper of my car!  =(
two teeth are loose and he has two cuts under his lip =(

we went to the ER (after i called the advice nurse, who suggested we do so)
and he got some antibiotics 
he'll go see the dentist tomorrow also
the tooth is much lower than it was before...same tooth that he bonked in baseball last spring

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

Sure hope the tooth doesn't die.