Saturday, October 06, 2012

October 6, 2012

trick play~
matt was center, hiked it to mercado, who tossed it to avendano, who threw it long to wilson for a touchdown!

 (toss to #39)
(#39 gets ready to throw)
 (#85 catches it, and runs in for a td!)

Immer and Greg made it to see Matthew play!  =D

the other team tried and onside kick...
and matthew got it, and held on!
we scored one more touchdown after this, to ensure the win!

came home after picking up my race packet for the long beach 1/2, and dashiell says that he lost his tooth down the drain because he was trying to wash off the blood  =/
so it was gone.  =(
he was super worried that the tooth fairy (he knows it's me, though) won't give him anything because there isn't a tooth to give. 
so i told him to write the tooth fairy a letter and maybe it will be OK.  

i put $1 into an envelope and stuck it under his pillow in place of the letter...but then he couldn't find it in the morning and was seriously distressed.  
it fell onto the floor under the bed.
[found it when i got home; matt told him 'oh well, guess the tooth fairy didn't want your letter!' or something like that.  oh my~]

1 comment:

Lorraine Carlson said...

It must have felt pretty good to hold that ball in his hands, knowing he had broken up the onsides kick. Way to go, Matt.