Monday, April 20, 2015


right before my first 50k ultra...
 the leona divide 50/50 (meaning there's a 50miler and a 50k race today)
the sun is coming out.  oh no!
6:59am -- somewhere about an hour into the race (so around mile 4 or so?)
 7:40am -- 2hr40min into the race, so around 11mi?
8:59am -- almost 3 hours into the race.  somewhere around mile 13?

 10:25am -- 4hrs25min into the race, maybe around mile 21 or so.  it was hot.  can you tell from the picture?  did i convey that message through my face?  =p
2:16pm -- 8hrs16min into the race.  my garmin died just after 7 hours, so i think this must've been around mile 26 or 27

i made it to the finish line!
9:31 minutes later...

 back at the car, ready to clean up a bit and then head on home!

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